Complaints Procedure
I strive to ensure that all children in my care are safe and secure and have high quality experiences. I do realise, however, that from time to time parents may have worries or concerns. Your views feelings and comments will be taken seriously. I believe that good communication can avoid situations arising and I encourage parents to come forward with any suggestions to improve the service I offer. I will do my best to solve any problems and you to arrange a time to discuss problems or concerns with me.
You can seek further advice by contacting the Early Years team on 01372 833833 and asking to speak to a childminding advisor.
If I receive a written complaint I will respond within 28 days. I will record the following information about any complaint received ;
* the name of the person making the complaint
* the nature of the complaint
* the date/time of the complaint
* any action taken in response to the complaint
* the outcome of the complaint investigation
This will be recorded in my compliments/complaints book – which is kept in the back of the policies folder – and kept for three years for parents to see.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint or feel that it is unresolved then you can contact Ofsted on 03001231231 or you can write to them at Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD or email them at enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk